
... means, according to the Cambridge Dictionary of English, the skill or activity of getting information from books. In other words: It's effectively the receiving side of knowledge transfer. I had the privilege of getting a very comprehensive eductaion not only during my time as a university student but also through life-long learning as a real estate professional and as a senior manager in DAX40 corporations. There I participated in and led countless projects and, as a result, experienced also numerous up's and down's. Therefore I feel obliged to pass on some of my exertise to others. Hence, I have spent a sigificant part of my leisure time in the past two decades on compiling, structuring and writing down my own thoughts and ideas as well as all the know-how that I came accross throughout my professional and academic career. Here you can find and access a selection of my most recent books.

Gebäudeautomation in Wohn- und Wirtschaftsimmobilien - Energetische Einsparpotenziale durch Gebäudeautomation 

Giulio Saric, Thomas Glatte 

Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden
German language book 

ISBN   978-3-658-44231-6     

Der Beitrag von Smart Cities zu einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung - Chancen und Risiken von Konzepten für eine intelligente Stadt (2024)

Benedikt Acker, Thomas Glatte 

Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden
German language book 

ISBN  978-3-658-43896-8    

Die Zukunftsfähigkeit von Büroimmobilien - Eine Analyse der Anforderungen an das Büro von morgen (2024)

Tamino Meier, Larissa Dell, Thomas Glatte 

Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden
German language book

ISBN  978-3-658-43295-9    

Location Strategies - International Site & Facility Planning as part of Corporate Strategies (2024)

Thomas Glatte 

Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden 

English language book  

ISBN  978-3-658-42416-9

Einfluss der immobilienwirtschaftlichen Qualität auf den Arbeitserfolg im Homeoffice (2023)

Johannes Haffner, Lucas Falter, Thomas Glatte 

Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden
German language book

ISBN 978-3-658-42332-2   

Corporate Real Estate Management (2021)

Thomas Glatte 

Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden
English language book

ISBN 978-3-658-32222-9 

Corporate Real Estate Management (2019)

Thomas Glatte 

Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden
German language book

ISBN 978-3-658-26860-2

Kompendium Standortstrategien für Unternehmensimmobilien (2017)

Thomas Glatte

Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden
German language book

ISBN 978-3-658-12156-3 

Entwicklung betrieblicher Immobilien (2014)

Thomas Glatte

Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden
German language book

ISBN 978-3-658-05686-5 

Studien zum nachhaltigen Bauen und Wirtschaften (Book Series, since 2021)

Thomas Glatte, Martin Kreeb
Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden
Print ISSN  2731-3123   Electronic ISSN 2731-3131 

Our social environment demands an ever stronger debate in the construction and real estate industry with regard to the sustainability of their value creation. The topic of "building-related costs in the life cycle" is also crucial in order to identify the use of economic resources over the entire life cycle of a building. This book series, as an assembly of selected publications under participation or supervision of the series editors Prof. Dr. Thomas Glatte and Prof. Dr. Martin Kreeb, aims to bring together essential findings of applied sciences in this complex  scientific field.


All my recent books have been published at Springer Fachmedien

Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH
Abraham-Lincoln-Straße 46
D - 65189 Wiesbaden

T: +49 (0) 611.7878 0
E: springerfachmedien-wiesbaden(at) 

German National Library - Deutsche Nationalbibliothek 

All my books are listed at the Germany National Library (DNB) in Frankfurt and Leipzig

Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Leipzig

Deutscher Platz 1
D - 04103 Leipzig

T: + 49 341 2271-0

E: [email protected] 

Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Frankfurt

Adickesallee 1
D - 60322 Frankfurt am Main

T: + 49 69 1525-0

E: [email protected] 

British Library

All my books in English language and part of my German publications are listed at the British Library.

British Library
96 Euston Road
United Kingdom
 T: +44 (0)1937 546060
E: [email protected]